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Best of 1

2234892 United Kingdom AtikaNAtikaN 1

2215901 Portugal TigersShootersTigersShooters 0

2236796 Lithuania eGrizzly JunioreGrizzly Junior 1

2235321 Lithuania ManeuverManeuver 0

2235315 Spain MLG 360QMLG 360Q 0

2227200 Finland RC.WindexRC.Windex 1

2233956 Lithuania step0nstep0n 1

2227419 Denmark DEVOTION 2nd lineupDEVOTION 2nd lineup 0

Best of 1

2234892 United Kingdom AtikaNAtikaN 0

2236796 Lithuania eGrizzly JunioreGrizzly Junior 1

2227200 Finland RC.WindexRC.Windex 0

2233956 Lithuania step0nstep0n 1

Best of 3

2236796 Lithuania eGrizzly JunioreGrizzly Junior 0

2233956 Lithuania step0nstep0n 2

Best of 1

2233956 Lithuania step0nstep0n -

3rd Place Match
Best of 3

2234892 United Kingdom AtikaNAtikaN 2

2227200 Finland RC.WindexRC.Windex 0

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

2234892 United Kingdom AtikaNAtikaN -