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StarCraft 2: Heart of the SwarmTorneo interno Rdy4

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Páramos de akilon
Best of 3

1021327 McseMcse 1

1021332 FreeWinFreeWin 0

1021330 NinetalesNinetales 0

Match 2

1021328 MhobbitMhobbit 0

1021326 EmezdakinEmezdakin 0

Match 3

1021331 PekimPekim 0

1021325 FacoFaco 0

Match 4

1021329 CheleroxChelerox 0

Estación estelar
Best of 3

1021327 McseMcse 0

Match 5

0 -

0 -

Match 6

0 -

Vigía abandonado ET
Best of 3

0 -

Match 7

0 -

Best of 1

0 -

Neoplanteta S LE
Best of 3

0 -

Match 8

0 -

3rd Place Match
Best of 1

0 -

DreamHack WCG Canda uPlayreal Altitude Gaming League North American Star League